
One of two countries on the island continent of Tharuunden, Terriah is a lush and sunny land known for its innovations in construction, an abundance of food and farms, and world-class soldiers. The people of Terriah greatly appreciate the importance of family, culture, and history, but they also value dedication, hard work, and goals. In other places, it may seem that you need to leave family and culture behind to chase your dreams, but Terriah is where culture is greatly appreciated, not expected to be left at home.
Terriah is a multicultural land consisting of various races. You can find almost any race in Terriah, although the most populous communities are still the Native Races. The many races that have come to inhabit the continent have immigrated there over the centuries since the fall of Dracaenia. The capital city of Terriah, Rehoth Landing, is made up of almost every race you can find in Terriah. Located on the northernmost point of the continent, none of the Native Races dominate society in the capital.
The hamlets and farms spread throughout the country are comprised of groupings of a few families of various backgrounds. The villages and towns consist of a more balanced variety of races. The three regional cities are home to races of all shapes and sizes, but each city is mostly populated by one of the Native Races.
It is easily noticeable where each of the Native Races originally settled in Terriah. The first settlement of the tieflings grew into the southern city of Hope, the first orc settlement in central Terriah turned into the city of Luga, and the first settlement by humans in the north became the city of Keystone.
Economy and Trade
The three major races have been handing down trade secrets through their families for centuries, leading to their dominating three areas of trade. This does not, however, make it difficult for other families, races, and immigrants to enter into these trades because the major races exclusively create high-end, expensive products.
The tiefling families are especially skilled and innovative in the medical field. Half-orcs are skilled blacksmiths and combatants.
In the north, much of the architecture is designed by humans. Mostly consisting of farmland, the north is a warm and sunny land with some sparse tree coverage and plenty of harmless wildlife.
Each of the regional cities still display much of the culture of each Native Race, but as more peoples immigrated to Terriah, their cultures were celebrated and appreciated for the variety they brought to the region.
In most of Terriah, work takes place every day, but not all day. In towns and villages, most shops are located under or very nearby the owner's home. It is much the same in the regional cities, but each city has one large complex where the trade that is championed by that Native Race that built that city is taught. For example, in Hope, there is a large section of the city that is dedicated to developing new techniques, materials, and methods.
Current Status
Terriah is currently in a time of unprecendented peace due to their recent success in the Terriah-Verastin War of W990, where reigning King Hymore led his people to a decisive military victory over their neighboring region, Verastin. Although the conflict between Terriah and Verastin is over a millenia old, the current truce seems to be holding strong.