Reputation System

What is your standing in the world of Fynali? For any aspiring adventurer seeking to vanquish evil and save the realm, a strong reputation is paramount.

Timely completion of quests, aiding citizens in need, and protecting the innocent are surefire ways to bolster your standing.

However, be warned, for the opposite path can lead to ruin. Shirk your responsibilities, insult and hinder villagers, or commit unspeakable acts-- like harming children-- and your name will be stained.

To guide you on your journey to greatness, here lies a reputation chart. Discover the perks of being well-liked, and also, dare to see how far one can plummet before Fynali's favor turns against you.

The world awaits, and your choices shall shape your destiny.

♦ Shops in this region will not sell to you if not in disguise.
♦ Guards/Officers will engage in combat on-sight
♦ Civilians will run from you
♦ Civilians who see you will attempt to contact the authorities
♦ NPCs you have helped in the past will regard you as civilians one tier better
♦ Shops in this region will sell to you at a 100% mark-up
♦ Guards/Officers will give one warning before engaging combat
♦ Civilians will avoid you
♦ NPCs you have helped in the past will regard you as civilians one tier better
♦ Shops in this region will sell to you at a 75% mark-up
♦ Guards/Officers will give three warnings before engaging combat
♦ Civilians will be openly hostile toward you
♦ NPCs you have helped in the past will regard you as civilians two tiers better
♦ Shops in this region will sell to you at a 50% mark-up
♦ Guards/Officers will attempt to antagonize you into combat
♦ Civilians will be mostly hostile toward you
♦ NPCs you have helped in the past will regard you as civilians two tiers better
♦ Shops in this region will sell to you at a 25% mark-up
♦ Civilians and guards/officers will be passive aggressive around you at best
♦ NPCs you have helped in the past will regard you as civilians two tiers better
♦ Shops in this region will sell to you at their base price
♦ Civilians and Guards will regard you neutrally
♦ NPCs you have helped in the past will regard you as civilians one tier better
♦ Shops in this region will sell to you at their base price
♦ You have a 10% chance of shops offering a deal to you unprompted
♦ Civilians and Guards will regard you neutrally
♦ Shops in this region will sell to you at their base price
♦ You have a 20% chance of shops offering a deal to you unprompted
♦ Civilians and Guards will regard you neutrally
♦ Shops in this region have the chance to sell to you at a 10% discount
♦ Civilians and Guards will regard you favorably with exceptions
♦ Town dependent, but you may be able to enter new areas, shops, or access new quests
♦ Shops in this region have the chance to sell to you at a 15% discount
♦ Civilians and Guards will regard you favorably with exceptions
♦ Town dependent, but you may be able to enter new areas, shops, or access new quests
♦ Shops in this region have the chance to sell to you at a 20% discount
♦ Civilians and Guards will regard you very favorably with few exceptions
♦ Town dependent, but you may be able to enter new areas, shops, or access new quests
♦ Shops in this region have the chance to sell to you at a 25% discount
♦ Civilians and Guards will regard you very favorably with the exception of people who you have actively antagonized
♦ Town dependent, but you may be able to enter new areas, shops, or access new quests
♦ Shops in this region have the chance to sell to you at a 30% discount
♦ 10% chance of receiving something for free at shops in this region (Once per day)
♦ Civilians and Guards will regard you very favorably with the exception of people who you have actively antagonized
♦ Town dependent, but you may be able to enter new areas, shops, or access new quests
♦ Shops in this region have the chance to sell to you at a 40% discount
♦ 20% chance of receiving something for free at shops in this region (Once per day)
♦ Civilians and Guards will regard you very favorably with the only exception of people who you have actively antagonized on multiple occasions
♦ Town dependent, but you may be able to enter new areas, shops, or access new quests
♦ Your reputation in all regions on the continent bump up to a Level 5 (Trusted) unless you have a 5+ reputation there or have a negative reputation there. In both cases, you reputation will increase by 1 level (up to a level 8).
♦ Shops in this region have the chance to sell to you at a 50% discount
♦ 30% chance of receiving something free from shops in this region (Once per day)
♦ Officer/Guards will overlook minor crimes, and will issue a warning before taking action against you
♦ Civilians are eager to help you
♦ Roll with advantage for any Charisma-based checks in this region
♦ Your reputation in all regions on the continent bump up to a Level 7 (Famous) unless you have a 7+ reputation there or have a negative reputation there. In both cases, you reputation will increase by 1 level (up to a level 8).
♦ Shops in this region have the chance to sell to you at a 60% discount
♦ 50% chance of receiving something free from shops in this region (Once per day)
♦ Officers/guards will take your side in combat (with some exceptions), will overlook minor crimes, and will issue a warning for more major crimes before taking action against you
♦ Civilians celebrate you
♦ Roll with advantage for any Charisma-based checks in this region

* Hero Level (9) can only be achieved once the party is Level 8 in two distinct regions within the same continent, and they complete the Heroic Quest in one of those two regions.

** Legend Level (10) can only be achieve once the party is Level 8 or higher in 50%+ of regions across 4 separate continents, and they complete the Legendary Quest for that continent.